
My author page on SSRN:

Working Papers

1) Does Stock Manipulation Distort Corporate Investment? The Role of Short Selling Costs and Share Repurchases (with Murillo Campello and Rafael Matta), 2016. (Old version presented at the 2015 EFA (Vienna), the 2016 AFA (San Francisco), and the FIRS 2017 Conference (Hong Kong). Revise & Resubmit, Management Science.


2) Securities Lending and Information Acquisition (with Stefan Greppmair, Stephan Jank, Luca Lin, and Jason Sturgess), 2020. Reject & Resubmit, Review of Finance.

3) Shareholder-Creditor Conflicts and Limits to Arbitrage: Evidence From the Equity Lending Market (with Yongqiang Chu, Luca Lin, and Jason Sturgess), 2021.

4) Power Tussle: Hedge Fund Activists and Short Sellers (with Tao Li and Daheng Yang), 2022. 2018 INQUIRE Europe Research Award and the 2022 SFS Cavalcade Asia-Pacific Award for Best Paper in Corporate Finance.


5) Satisfied Employees, Satisfied Investors: How Employee Well-being Impacts Mutual Fund Returns (with Elias Ohneberg), 2023. Presented at the 2023 EFA (Amsterdam)

6) ETF Launch Decisions (with Xinrui Zheng), 2023.

Published Articles

  • Deleveraging Risk (with Scott Richardson and Kari Sigurdsson), 2017, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 52(6), 2491-2522. Best Paper at the FMA Consortium for European Finance Faculty. Presented at the EFA 2013 and AFA 2014. Winner, Inquire Europe Award, and the 2015 Crowell Third Prize.






  • Technical Analysis: Luck or Reality?, 2003, Revista Brasileira de Economia, 57(4). This is my MSc. dissertation, showing how technical analysis does not work once you account for data-snooping when evaluating trading strategies.



Old Papers (not sure when/if they will ever be revised)

This paper shows how analysts' forecast dispersion and information asymmetry affect trading volume around earnings announcements.


Models the joint impact of liquidity risk and non-tradable income on stock returns.


A guide to Brazilian students applying to Economics PhD programs. Old but still relevant.